Gian Manik at Gertrude Glasshouse

Gertrude Glasshouse will present a solo exhibition by Gian Manik, You own the school, embrace your responsibility for its legacy.

Harnessing imitative techniques honed during a childhood spent voraciously copying old master paintings, Gian Manik recasts and filtrates Caravaggio’s second version of Supper at Emmaus (1606) for the exhibition. By speculating upon the futures and legacies of reproduced artworks, the exhibition demonstrates a research-led practice responding to the ontology of “institutional painting,” that has been canonised in western art history.

Manik will be in conversation with curator Amelia Winata on Saturday, 13 April at 4pm in Gertrude Glasshouse, discussing the considerations and drives behind the exhibition and its positioning when situated within the artist’s wider practice.

Gian Manik
You own the school, embrace your responsibility for its legacy
Gertrude Glasshouse
12 April – 11 May 2024

Opening Event: Thursday 11 April, 6–8pm

