Aleks Danko WAIT…I think this is where I lost my HULA-HOOP

26 May –
24 June 2017

HESSE/LESS/NESS >(less and less) >(lessness) >protectiveness >childishness >lightness >competitiveness happiness >defensiveness >less and less >tenseness and anxiousness >utter helplessness >experience of awareness >forgetfulness of herself >bordered on fussiness >its whiteness is right >a right to womanliness >my hopelessness >their hardness >OOMAMABOOMBA >its painterliness >a certain fussiness >a certain obviousness directness >the weightlessness >becoming weightless >inherent aggressiveness >their hangingness >the uselessness >the same thickness >darkness >a pictureless picture >the thinnesses and thicknesses >totally meaningless >obsessiveness >maze-like obsessiveness >madness >thickness >nevertheless >softness >the floppiness >of double thickness >conceptualness >the dumbness >reasonableness >conservativeness >nevertheless tiredness >organic barrenness >the image of precariousness >the tenuousness >the sickness >increases its silliness >endless >never aloneness >nevertheless >weakness >connectiveness >audacious in its awkwardness >the seriousness >«funny» only in their unexpectedness >emptiness >consciousness >muscular consciousness >its organicness >tension between looseness and tightness >not childishness >obsessive inner-directedness >its literalness >suggestion of homelessness >nevertheless >cleanliness and straight lines >close to godliness concreteness with touch >nevertheless >concentrate on singleness >ordered purposelessness >openness to other kinds of touch >concreteness with touch >determined mindlessness >the singleness of purpose >the steadfastness necessary >their evocativeness >the homelessness >a homeless representation >its precariousness

(excerpt from Eeva Hessa Atta Herradressa / that which falls to the floor stays on the floor)

{edited from Eva Hesse by Lucy Lippard
New York University Press New York USA 1976
ISBN 0-8147-4971-2 (cloth)}

On the back of his successful Survey Exhibition, MY FELLOW AUS-TRA-ALIENS at the Museum of Contemporary Art Australia, Sydney 2015 and the Heide Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne 2016, Aleks finally meets up with Eeva Hessa Atta Herrdressa to discuss language, laughter, Lippard, LeWitt and Long Noses. With Eeva, the crisis of lessnessness is never far away… And, as the day turns to night, and with the arrival of Knot and Blot, they all turn to an ordered purposelessness in which to examine the merits of the alphabet as bottled by Emily Foiled. They soon realise that space is the container or non-container of air (‘and beyond it, deep blue air, that shows nothing, and is nowhere, and is endless’) and should always, be taken hot (sic!). With sunrise it is all ‘malsplaining’ for the day ahead, with the weather forecast predicting A Little Morning Drizzle But Mainly Fine. Eventually events other than themselves dot the dot, mirror the mirror, felt a sketch, and, it becomes a case of Do The Dog Not The Donkey. But, in the end, in a state of muscular consciousness, and with a singleness of purpose, they all come up with one last meaningless refrain: ‘You might as well laugh mate, there’s nothing else to do … ‘

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