Moving Images, Part Two
, 2016Installation view
This two-part exhibition explores the role of moving-image works within the broader practice of Gordon Bennett. Spanning a range of different media, such as video, digital animation, performance documentation and painting, the works included in Gordon Bennett: Moving Images demonstrate the fluidity with which the artist sampled imagery from the art historical canon and popular culture, and highlight his process of remixing in the production of new work. Objects move seamlessly from the painted canvas to the screen, for example Guston’s Ku Klux Klan masks and Preston’s generic Aboriginal staffage, revealing the computer (where cutting, pasting and remixing can be undertaken at a fast pace) to be a crucial compositional aid. This exhibition presents a unique opportunity to view rarely exhibited moving-image works by both Gordon Bennett and John Citizen.
Gordon Bennett: Moving Images, Part One is currently being exhibited at the Centre for Contemporary Photography until the 10 July 2016.