Nick Selenitsch, ‘And, &, The Middle Playground’ at MADA Gallery

And, &, The Middle Playground at MADA Gallery is the practical component Nick Selenitsch’s PhD candidature, titled The Middle Playground.

The Middle Playground explores how play can be employed as a framework for understanding artistic experience: both in the reception of art and in its creation. It is an endeavour that embraces paradoxical mergers — minglings—exemplified by play, and culturally defined at its outer limits by sport and games.

This is an arena where the serious is also frivolous, the inconclusive becomes conclusive, and where there is an acute awareness that comes from being lost in the task — becoming “thoughtfully playful,” in other words.

And, &, The Middle Playground
MADA Gallery, Building D, Monash Caulfield campus
6 September–23 September 2023

